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Jason has been in the financial services industry since 1993. His office and his home are both located in Chilliwack, where he was proudly born and raised. The majority of Jason's clients are families and business people within the Fraser Valley.
Jason is Certified Financial Planner (CFP) and carries with him strong values and ethics, which are evident when working with clients. He has a strong drive for continuous improvement in both business and in life. No challenge is too big or too small for Jason, and this passion is evident in every aspect of his life.
His financial planning approach centers on client's needs; wealth accumulation, asset preservation, and tax minimization, always supported by strong service and client relationships. We build partnerships for life by having a deep relationship and understanding of our clients. This allows us to offer advice that leads to real solutions, rather than just products. Our relationships are based on trust, integrity and mutual respect. We share the same values and lifestyle ideas as our clientele. We bring clarity to their future. We have all of the financial "products" a client would ever need, but more importantly, we focus on superior advice and service. This is proven to be more beneficial to long-term financial success.
Jason has been married to his wife Crystal for over 14 years and has 2 daughters, Sierra and Montanna. He enjoys skiing with his wife and kids every winter as well as going to his kids soccer games and mountain biking with the family. Jason has completed the Tough Mudder, as well as the Ride to Conquer Cancer on 2 occasions, helping his team raise over $150,000 for cancer research in BC. Jason thrives on challenge and he loves to travel and this keeps his sense of adventure alive.